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Defibtech CPR Device

The Defibtech CPR Device assists our crews by doing the best CPR possible.  These devices help provide better outcomes for our most critical patients.

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Nitrous Oxide

The crews at Scott Township EMS have the ability to utilize nitrous oxide.  Nitrous oxide is a self administered medication that the patient breathes in.  This medication is a non-opiate medications that can help a patient with their pain.

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Life Pack 15 Monitors

Scott Township EMS utilizes Life Pack 15 monitors.  These monitors allow our crews to obtain vitals and diagnose if a patient is having a heart attack.

Equipment: Meet the Team

Ferno Powered Stretcher

The ambulances have the power stretchers made by Ferno.  This stretcher is battery powered and will go up and down on its own.  The stretcher helps the crews reduce strain on their backs and knees.

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King Vision Video Laryngoscopes

These devices allow our crews to place a breathing tube a patient with a higher success rate due to the provider being able to see the patient's airway on a screen.

Equipment: Meet the Team
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